Monday, August 31, 2009

Already 2 weeks!

Hey Friends!
My second week in Greece was great! I still have a hard time understanding Greek and speak to people but I can definitely say that I'm doing better with language. I can't wait to be fully effective in a couple weeks!
Here is a picture of my MTC group with President and Sister Charles. We are on Mars Hill, he place where Paul preached in Acts 17. Read it. We stood at the exact place where he preached and we shared our testimonies. It's amazing how we are teaching the same Gospel that Paul preached. It is the true restored Gospel of Jesus Christ!
It's still hot and sunny in Greece but summer is ending and people go back to work and studies. The city was almost dead last week and now people are back. We have more opportunities to talk to people and it's great. We met an old guy who was still believing in the 12 antics gods. He was funny. Most of the people are not interested and some are just grateful that we talk about Christ to people but they don't want to listen to our message. Greek people are really interesting.
This week we had a great experience. We visited two inactive sisters and after our visits they felt that we really cared for them and that we really wanted them to come back. Hopefully they'll come to church on Sunday. One of them is also ready to help the missionaries. It's great! We really felt the Spirit with them and they have great testimony. Some people just need to feel love to be better people. So try to care more for people and you'll feel this love back from Heavenly Father!
I love being a missionary in Greece, in the South Athens Branch. It's great. I'm so grateful that I decided to serve a mission! Thank you for your love and support!
Elder Clement Gaillard