Monday, November 30, 2009

Two Frenchmen in Nicosia!

Hey Friends!
We had a good week here in Nicosia! We did a lot of good things! Let me share some of them. We did some shopping on P-Day at Ikea but we mainly enjoyed the 50 cents hot dog deal there haha. On Wednesday I made a really good chili con carne. I love cooking on my mission! We celebrated Thanksgiving on Wednesday night with the other Elders in Cyprus. We gathered at the Zone Leader's apartment for a sleepover and I cooked a chicken with mash potatoes and gravy. It was excellent! Happy Thanksgiving! On Thursday we had Zone Conference with Elder Causse, our French General Authority from the First Quorum of the Seventy. We were taught by him for more than 6 hours but it was great. What he said completely changed a lot of my vision of missionary work and as I apply his teachings I can see my missionary skills go on the next step. It is great! Then on Saturday we went down to Larnaka for exchanges. I had a good time with my friend Elder Rimmel. We also had some Indians member cook us a spicy meal!
Well, just to let you know the mission is more than just eating. We are also working hard! We have good investigators but a lot of opposition too. Hopefully all will go well!
Thanks for your love! Enjoy December!
Elder Clement Gaillard