Thursday, July 30, 2009

Three Weeks left!

Hey Friends
Thanks for your message of this past week. I really appreciate ;)
This week was really fast. At the MTC, days are long, but weeks are short. Anyway, I enjoy everyday learning the beautiful greek language and how to share the beautiful message of Jesus Christ.
I should receive my flight plans in this coming weeks. I will be in Greece in 3 weeks. I am so excited for it. Last night we were evaluating our teaching skills by teaching the message of the Restoration to a (fake) investigator. My colleague Elder Rodriguez did really great with Greek it was awesome and we were able to touch this person's heart. It was wonderful. I know that God really loves us and blesses us when we follow His Son Jesus Christ.
This week we had a devotionnal about the Book of Mormon. It was very powerful. The Book of Mormon is a real testimony of Jesus Christ and whoever wants to know more about our Church should read it. I know it is true and that it was translated by the power of God.
I read a quote from Elder Ballard this week "the safest place for a 19-21 years old young man is the mission field" I know that I am doing the right thing at the right place at the right time. I love being a missionary!
Thanks for your love and support!
Elder Clement Gaillard

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hey Friends
I am pretty much halfway through the MTC. It is crazy but I am sure I will miss the MTC.
Greek is doing great. Yesterday for the first time we taught a full lesson in Greek. That was hard but I learned a lot. It is easy to teach a lesson in a different language, but it is really hard to teach someone and express yourself so that you touch the investigator's heart. I also learned the First Vision in Greek. It is awesome to be able to teach the Restoration in Greek. It's my favorite thing to teach because it brings a strong Spirit when you teach it.
I know that this work is true. I learned this week that it is bigger than me and you. It is an eternal cause, to teach the truth to people and invite them to come unto Christ.
Thank you for your love and your prayers. I love receiving your news and I do my best to answer your letters. Have a great week.
Elder Clement Gaillard

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hi Friends!
I've been at the MTC for one month already and I have ten minutes to tell you how's life ;)
Life is actually great. The greek is coming along very well and next week our challenge is to teach the first lesson in greek. It is amazing how fast we learn.
The spirit at the MTC is great. We learned everyday about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I can really feel the blessings from God in my life. We had the visit of several General Authorities and we had a Devotionnal with Elder Holland. He taught how central is the role of the Holy Ghost in our lives and in missionary work. Always keep the Spirit with you.
Being a missionary is great. I really feel that I am doing the right thing at the right time and I cannot wait to be in Greece to preach people about Jesus Christ. He is our Savior and He loves us.
My companion is Elder Rodriguez. He is from Italy and he is really funny. We are doing a great job together.
I will try to write every week. You can now send me emails at or through
Thanks for your love and your prayers. I'm trying to answer to all your letters.
May God bless you
Elder Clement Gaillard