Saturday, May 16, 2009

Peinao Sa Lukos is online!

As an LDS missionnary I'm going to spend two of my most exciting years of my life in Greece and Cyprus. These two years have a great value for me. I've been preparing for them all my life and I'm now really excited to go.

I'm creating this blog for three reasons: 1st it allows you to come and freely read my news whenever you want to do it. I don't like the idea of sending an email to everyone because I know that some of you wouldn't read my emails for more than two months. So when you go on your mission or you get engaged or you get bored, I won't "spam" your email box. 2nd I simply send my posts and pictures to this blog by email to publish them. It's fast and simple. 3rd this blog is linked to my facebook and twitter accounts so you'll be able to follow me on your favorite social networks or feed readers (links are on the right).

I hope you'll enjoy it! I've met most of you at BYU but some of you are friends from the US or from my stake. I know that some of you don't really know the church but you're great friends and I hope you'll discover a lot through this blog. By the way I'm sorry for the people who don't really speak English like me but I'm going to write most of this blog in English and not in my wonderful French...

Anyway I'm exactly reporting in one month (June 16th) so you've got time to put this blog in your bookmarks and send me some of your news before I'm leaving.

One more thing, I'll bring back a souvenir to the person who will first find the French translation of the blog title ;)


  1. Peinao Sa Lukos....Nice to hear from you Clement. I look forward to hearing some legendry stories from you.--Harsh

  2. Peinao Sa Lukos....Nice to hear from you Clement. I look forward to hearing some legendry stories from you.--Harsh

  3. Tu as une faim de loup ?
    En tout cas bon voyage à toi, et à bientôt j'espère pour une nouvelle LAN Party...

  4. Rock on mon petit frère. Je suis super content de te suivre alors que tu fais avancer l'oeuvre du Seigneur.
